E-Petition Launched to Fight Global Poverty

An e-petition has been launched on the Downing Street website calling for the Government to keep its promise to halve poverty by 2015.

In the year 2000, the British Government joined other world leaders in committing to halving poverty by 2015 through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, the Micah Challenge has said that many of the goals are now in danger of not being met.

Leaders of Micah Challenge in the UK, including the heads of World Vision, Tearfund and the Evangelical Alliance, have launched the new Blow the Whistle campaign to put pressure on the Government to play its part in the delivery of the MDGs by 2015.

Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said at Thursday's launch: "Our job is to remind governments that we're here to be critical partners, to help them fulfil their covenant to the poor."

Campaign leaders want to see Christians play their part too.

Rudo Kwaramba of World Vision, who formerly headed World Vision Zimbabwe, said: "I am praying for Christians to realise that we cannot just leave the work of lifting masses out of poverty to world leaders."

In particular, the Government has been urged to ensure money and plans are in place to deliver HIV prevention, and ensure HIV and Aids treatment and care for all by 2010.

Water and sanitation is another issue for Micah Challenge, with campaigners asking the Government to ensure that the G8 agree a robust global action plan on water and sanitation.

Relevant to this week's proposed draft of the Climate Change Bill, the Micah Challenge called on the Government to include an annual target of reducing domestic carbon emissions by at least three per cent. The current draft Climate Change Bill has called for an independent panel to be established to set carbon emission targets just once every five years.

The Micah Challenge is asking Christians across the UK to sign up to the e-petition.

The E-Petition can be signed by visiting: petitions.pm.gov.uk/MilleniumGoals/

For more information on the Micah Challenge, please visit www.micahchallenge.org.uk