Churches Get Ready for 'No Smoking' Signs

Churches will be putting up 'No Smoking' signs from 1 July, when the law to ban smoking in public buildings comes into force. The new smoke-free law applies to virtually all 'enclosed' and 'substantially enclosed' public places, including churches, places of worship and church or parish halls.

"I think it took us aback when we realised churches would have to display No Smoking signs in our buildings, which in this part of the world are old historic ones," said Anni Holden, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Hereford. "We will be conforming though and putting up signs in our churches."

The law says that signs 'need to be displayed in a prominent position at every entrance to smoke-free premises'. It does not stipulate the precise location but will be up to each church body to choose the most appropriate place in the building for the sign, as long as the sign is prominently displayed.

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