Christians, Muslims Continue to Pray for Captured Peacemakers

Concerned Christians and Muslims gathered in Toronto Tuesday for an ecumenical service to pray for the safety of four kidnapped aid workers who are still missing in Iraq.

|PIC1|The service, organised by the Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, began at 7 p.m. GMT at St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, and is one of several that have been held around the world since the four Christian Peacemaker Team members were captured in Baghdad last month.

The fate of the hostages – James Loney, Harmeet Sooden, Norman Kember, and Tom Fox – remains unknown after a deadline set by the kidnappers passed without word on Dec. 10.

"We don't know how to take that, but maybe no news is good news," the Rev. Bob Holmes, a member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams who attended the prayer service, told CTV News.

Meanwhile, fellow peacemakers in Iraq said they continue to pray for the hostages on a daily basis.

“We hold prayer vigils in the morning and in the evening,” Anita David, a CPT member based in Baghdad, told The Christian Post on Saturday. “This is the first thing we do when the get up, and the last thing we do before we sleep – we take time to be quiet and centre ourselves around prayer.”

Elaine Spencer
Christian Today Correspondent

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