Thousand Women to Create Wave of Prayer for Africa

|TOP|A new project to create a wave of prayer for Africa, involving a thousand women has been organised by the members of the Mother’s Union.

A special week is being dedicated in April by the Christian organisation in accordance with the Diocese of Hereford, which will see a Wave of Prayer cover the region from the 21st till 25th April.

The Mother’s Union, which is the largest women’s organisation in the world, has organised the outreach, and the President of the MU locally, Freda Davies commented: “We call it a Wave of Prayer and it is a time when we pray but it is also to act as a reminder to us of our links with MU groups in Nigeria Sudan Burundi and Tanzania, all African Countries with which we are linked here in this Diocese in England.”

|AD|The Diocese of Hereford is one of the largest geographically in the Church of England, and is the most rural, and it has divided its members into five groups alphabetically, with each praying specifically on their designated day of prayer.

Traditionally, each member prays and remembers those abroad at midday, and it has proved to be a great opportunity for fundraising for Africa also.

Davies said, “We are sure our members will be creative in their fundraising which aims to provide goats for women in Burundi, who have been widowed as a result of the conflict there. A goat ensures milk for themselves and their children.”

On 21st April, Diocese members in Abbeydore, Bridgnorth and Bromyard areas will set the wave going, and will each meet at midday for prayer. However, fundraising events will be taking place over all five days of ‘The Wave’.

Davies concluded, “We have provided a leaflet for worship so members can take part from home. It will be an intensive five days, a wave of prayer from here to Africa.”