Church of Scotland Launches New Mission Project

The Church of Scotland will launch its latest mission project this Wednesday to unite the church in Scotland with other church communities abroad.
The World Without Walls project, run by St Andrew’s Multimedia Youth Project (SAMYP), will twin 15 churches in Scotland with 15 churches abroad.

The project involves the production of a short five-minute video each month by each pair of twinned congregations, depicting a particular aspect of the life of that particular church.

The videos will be shot each month over the two years the project is intended to run to create a 24-episode video diary charting the relationship between the partner churches.

The video diary will be posted episode by episode on a special website which also features information about each congregation and its local parish as well as downloadable material.

Two representatives each from Ghana, Ghambia, Zambia and South Africa, as well as four from India, have been training in Bo’ness, Scotland, where the project will be launched, since the 19 September when they were flown over by the project organisers.

Here the representatives will learn how to shoot, direct and edit their videos before taking their cameras and laptops, also courtesy of World Without Walls, back with them to their respective countries on the 30th September.

The launch of the project will also see trainees gather for a showcase of the fruits of the training sessions.

The project has been joint-funded by The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, The Church of Scotland Parish Development Fund and the participating Scottish church congregations.

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