WCC Executive Committee Renews Future Direction of Ecumenical Council

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Executive Committee has approved new programmatic directions for the Council, and has endorsed a framework for its future activities.

|TOP|Four public statements have also been issued by the 25-person committee, on matters of international concern, including the situation in the Middle East and human rights.

The committee discussed a framework for the WCC's programmatic activity 2007-2013 prepared after the WCC's 9th Assembly in February.

The Assembly had called for focus to be given to work in a limited range of areas where the WCC could play a unique and global role.

The programme plan approved by the executive committee lists six areas that will provide the framework for the Council's activities in the coming period. These are: WCC and the ecumenical movement in the 21st century; unity, mission and spirituality; public witness; justice and diakonia; ecumenical and faith formation; inter-religious dialogue and cooperation.

|AD|WCC General Secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia welcomed the plans. He underlined that the programme framework “prepares the ground for a more integrated and pro-active style of work in the WCC as we prepare to confront the new challenges of the 21st century”.

The committee also called for a renewed communication strategy to raise the public profile of the Council and to ensure that communication is a vital dimension within all programmatic activity.

A permanent body on youth participation in the Council was also suggested as recommended by the 9th Assembly. The body will be appointed by the central committee in September 2006.

Four issues of major international concern were the subjects of statements by the executive committee: Iran and nuclear non-proliferation; the establishment of the new UN human rights council; the conflict in Israel-Palestine; and the situation in Sudan.

The 25-member committee, appointed by churches in every region, is moderated by Rev. Dr Walter Altmann from Brazil. It is the main decision-making body of the Council between the meetings of the central committee.

The committee, met at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute near Geneva, 16-19 May 2006.

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