Church Army launches campaign to bring hope to the vulnerable

Church Army has launched its latest appeal 'Bringing Hope, Living Hope', which will focus on Church Army evangelists and projects that reach out to some of the most vulnerable in society.

The appeal coincides with the 125th anniversary of the society, and aims to raise £300,000 for the work.

For its latest appeal Church Army is promoting the story of one of its evangelists, Jade, who was just 15 when she was sexually abused. To numb the pain she started drinking heavily and entered a violent marriage that ended in divorce.

One Sunday, after years of unhappiness, Jade heard the message of Christ on a TV programme and made an instant decision to give her life to Jesus.

Today Jade is a married mother of three, serving as a Church Army Evangelist in Winchester Community Prison.

She has now testified her passion about proclaiming the gospel to prisoners and ex-offenders. Jade's past has now enabled her to bring the hope of Jesus, to many other people.

One such person is Glyn, an inmate at Dover prison who was befriended by Jade and encouraged to follow Jesus.

Glyn, who is now an ordained Anglican minister, testified: "I'll never forget the day Jade met me. Without her encouragement to come back to Jesus and the generous way she shared her story, I wouldn't have heard the call. I'll always be grateful to Jade."

Church Army has said it believes that living out the practical hope of the Christian gospel is central to its task. Chief Executive Mark Russell says: "Love your neighbour is not just a piece of advice, it's a command. Ours is a Gospel of hope, life, transformation, joy and grace.

"If the church is about nothing else it is about bringing people hope and helping them to live out that hope in their everyday lives.

"Our focus on bringing hope, living hope is about sharing some of these stories and encouraging people to pray fro us and support us in this task."

To find other stories like Jade's and to share your own story of hope please visit: