Britons trawl Web to diagnose medical problems

Over a third of Britons are using the Internet to diagnose medical conditions rather than visit their doctor, according to a survey released on Monday.

A poll commissioned by UKTV Style for its new "Spa of Embarrassing Illnesses" series found 38 percent of Britons had attempted self-diagnosis by searching the Internet for answers.

Nearly half - 48 percent - of the 2,000 people questioned in the survey were reluctant to visit their doctor regarding medically "embarrassing" conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases or bowel problems.

The prospect of a physical examination by a doctor also kept 44 percent away from their local surgery.

"Feeling embarrassed about their condition can play a key role in preventing them getting treatment," said series presenter Amanda Hamilton in a statement.

"Although it's great the public are more informed, a supportive doctor who has time to listen to patient queries still has a vital role to play," she said.

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