Sexual Orientation Regulations a Cause for Serious Concern, says CARE

Christian charity CARE has joined a united call from Christians across the UK in warning that, if implemented, the Sexual Orientation Regulations published this week will confront many Christians with the grim choice of either violating their faith conscience or losing their livelihood.

"As the regulations stand Christians Adoption Agencies will have to be prepared to place children with gay parents, violating their faith conscience, or close; Christian conference and holiday centres, B&Bs and old people's homes will have to be prepared to accommodate gay couples in double beds, violating their faith conscience, or close; Christian printers will have to be prepared to print posters celebrating civil partnerships, violating their faith conscience, or close; Christian web designers will have to be prepared to design or update websites celebrating same sex relationships, violating their faith consciences, or close; Christian photographers will have to be willing to officiate at civil partnership ceremonies, violating their faith conscience, or close..." a statement released by CARE has warned.

CARE was also adamant in pointing out that following the lead taken by the Joint Committee on Human Rights last week, the regulations "clearly inaugurate a hierarchy of rights in which sexual orientation rights trump religion and belief rights", a conclusion echoed by the Evangelical Alliance and the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship.

The statement added: "This could have easily been avoided by the provision of appropriate exemptions that would have had very minimal costs for lesbian, gay and bisexual people but huge benefits for concerned people of faith."

CARE believes that the Government's decision to effectively create a hierarchy of rights is a serious error and - quite apart from anything else - will make it almost impossible for the forthcoming Commission on Equality and Human Rights to enjoy the confidence of much of the faith community.

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