Pope Warns Affluence a Threat to Pro-life Values

|TOP|Pope Benedict XVI has attacked the pleasure-seeking focus of affluent society for its weakening effect on Christian pro-life values. The attack came as the Pope issued strong condemnation of abortion and euthanasia.

The thousands of pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square for the Pope’s weekly angelus blessing were warned that life was often “extolled for as long as it is pleasurable, but tends not to be respected anymore when it is sick or disabled”.

"Every human life, as it is, deserves and demands to always be defended and promoted," the pope said on the day the Catholic Church celebrates annually as a "Day of Life".

"We well know that this truth often risks being contradicted from the widespread hedonism in the so called affluent society (in which) life is extolled as long as it is pleasurable, but tends not to be respected any more when it is sick or disabled."

|QUOTE|Pope Benedict saluted the thousands of pro-life volunteers and members of Italy’s “Movement for Life” gathered among the crowds of pilgrims.

In an earlier annual papal visit to the parish of Saint Anne within the Vatican walls, the Pope had said that “man is not the master of life; he is rather its custodian and manager”.

Centre-left critics hit out against Italy’s bishops last month following their call for Catholic voters to give their vote to parties in the upcoming elections that uphold the Church’s teaching on the right to life and protection of family values.

Just last month, the Pope launched an impassioned condemnation of irresponsible sex and what he described as a “culture of death” that had pervaded the modern world.

Urging people to rediscover their faith, the Pope laid aside his prepared sermon and compared the wild excessive culture seen today in the 21st Century to the ancient Roman Empire.

“In our times we need to say 'no' to the largely dominant culture of death,” said the Pope.

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