Scripture Union Youth Website Appeal Continues

Scripture Union Scotland’s November appeal to develop a youth website continues, as SUS asks Christians throughout the country for prayer and donations.

|TOP|The website appeal comes in face of the enormous challenge of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the - according to SUS estimates – 80 per cent of the children and young people in Scotland who still have not had the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.

Scripture Union Scotland believes that one way to reach this age group is to develop a “dynamic and relevant” website, given the widespread use of the internet amongst this age category.

SUS aims to create a youth website where people can, among other things, discover what Christianity means for them, read and study the Bible and get involved in praying.

The Scottish ministry stressed that the initiative was not a new ministry and that the emphasis would remain very much on “meeting young people where they are, on building relationships with them and introducing them to a Saviour who does not change”, said the Appeal.

|QUOTE|The Appeal statement read: “Our first commitment must be to prayer. We ask you to join us in renewed concern to pray for all the children and young people of Scotland.”

SUS is also asking for financial contributions to support the initiative, including the capital costs of developing the website as well as a full-time on-line youth worker responsible for running the site.

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