Waverley Training and Events: Natural Leadership Retreat

This retreat is for people in some kind of formal or informal leadership position, or who sense they have a leadership contribution to make in their organisation or wider life.

This is all about developing the inner resources – clarity, courage, confidence and relational skills – as well as the practical commitment necessary to express their fuller leadership potential.

This programme is a ‘retreat’ and not a training course. It provides you with time, space, support and encouragement to access a deeper learning.

Instead of providing new theories and skills, we help you to reflect purposefully on what your life so far has taught you about who you really are - your talents, your commitment and values.

We then encourage you to apply these things to your present situation. In effect you do your own learning; we simply provide the space and structure to enable this. The effect is invariably very empowering.

For more information contact Waverley Abbey House on 01252 784774 or email enquiries@waverleylearning.co.uk

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