Clare Short, Joel Edwards to Join JustShare Slavery Event

Marking the 200th year since the act to abolish the transatlantic slave trade came into action, JustShare will host its annual May Day event 'Ending slavery: then and now?' on Tuesday 1 May.

Speakers at the event will include Clare Short MP, former Secretary of State for International Development, and Rev Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance. Both will speak on the steps of the Royal Exchange in London at 1pm.

The public will be entertained with an open air steel band, street theatre and songs with Paul Field and Cargo.

A discussion panel will also be held at St Mary-le-Bow church, where the main speakers will be joined by Aiden McQuade, Director of Antislavery International. The panel will look at the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade, and the impact of contemporary forms of slavery and trafficking.

The day will wrap up with a dramatised reading of Kate Glover's play 'An African's Blood' in the church at 7pm.

JustShare is a coalition of churches and Christian organisations committed to global economic justice. JustShare draws its vision and values from the Christian faith, viewing the extent of inequality in today's global economy as contrary to God's will.

Its original purpose was to provide a distinctive Christian presence in the City of London, alongside the May Day demonstrations.

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