Baptists & Methodists to Focus on Mission Celebrating New Covenant Partnership

On 5th February, Baptists and Independent Methodists in Britain will celebrate together their new covenant partnership that comes onto effect as the Lunar New Year begins. The partnership does not only mean a new ecumenical movement in uniting the body of Christ, but also more than anything, it is a chance for both churches to strengthen each other in order to fulfil the Great Commission.

According to the Baptist Times, the afternoon session of the gathering at Christ Church in Southport, Merseyside will focus on the theme about mission in the real world while the actual celebration will take place in the evening.

Rena Scholes, Overseas Secretary for the Independent Methodist Connexion (IMC), the Revd Dr Alistair Brown, General Director of BMS World Mission, and Fiona Bruce, a member of Stockton Heath Christian Fellowship, and Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Warrington South, are invited to contribute in the mission seminar.

The covenant partnership was confirmed last year by Baptist and IM meetings. It was signed at the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Church Representatives’ Meeting last November. At that point, IM churches became provisional Union churches, joint members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB), the relevant Baptist Associations and the IMC.

At local, regional and national levels, resources will be shared between both denominations. Task groups have been set up with a view towards integrating the two denominations by 2009, when IM churches will be asked whether they wish to become open membership Baptist churches.

In fact, the discussion of the covenant partnership started more than 14 years ago and became more focused in the last four years.

Geoff Lomas, President of the IMC said to the Baptist Times he is very pleased to have the celebration to mark this important milestone in their ecumenical journey. Instead of only dwelling on what has been achieved, he wanted to give thanks to God for His guidance and demonstrate the Church’s commitment in this partnership.

The Revd David Coffey, General Secretary of the BUGB and moderator of the Free Churches Group, will speak at the evening celebration. He stated, "This is a significant moment for our two denominations and it is right we pause to celebrate and seek God’s blessing as we embark on this adventurous journey together."

Independent Methodists have their roots in the 18th century revival, and their first churches were in the North West of England. They drew on various groups for their traditions, including the Quakers. IM churches have a congregational style of church government and many practise believer’s baptism, similar to the Baptist tradition.

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