World Vision Tsunami Aid Report

Since December 2004, World Vision has expended US$213 million on tsunami-affected areas in South Asia, providing reconstruction, health, education, child-focused programmes, livelihood recovery, advocacy, protection and emergency-preparedness interventions.

Last year, supported by the World Food Programme (WFP), World Vision continued to provide rice, fish, biscuits, noodles, and oil to the people of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, and on the island of Nias, in addition to non-food assistance.

More than 2,200 World Vision staff have worked alongside tsunami-affected communities to implement an integrated recovery programme in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.

Two years after the South Asia Tsunami hit the coastlines of 12 countries, rehabilitation efforts have gathered pace, and communities are steering their futures with new livelihood opportunities, permanent homes, improved infrastructure and reduced vulnerability to future disasters.

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