UK to Host UCB International Conference for Broadcasting Excellence

The 8th annual UCB International Conference will be hosted between 9-12 June by UCB Europe, the UK affiliate of the global UCB International Christian broadcasting group. The ‘Excellence in Broadcasting’ Conference which takes place at the Yarnfield Conference Centre in Staffordshire, is the first to be held in the northern hemisphere. In the past, it has been held in Australia and New Zealand.

The Conference aims to inspire and enable Christian leaders and teachers in the UK and Ireland to consider using broadcast media to reach out to the public within a society that increases the requirements for broadcasters to be culturally relevant.

Leaders numbering 250 from Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australasia, are expected to attend. Throughout the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to network with other Christians in the media industry, including UBC International Executives and guest speakers.

Topics such as best practice, media techniques and practical advice, will be covered by a range of seminars. Encouragement, inspiration and practical ideas for the media ministry are expected at the event.

Hal Short, President of UCB International Ltd. commented: "This conference, our first in the Northern Hemisphere, is open to anyone interested in Christian Broadcasting, from Management to Programme Directors, from Sales and Marketing staff to 'on air' personnel, both in radio and in television. Also, this year, there will be a PrayerLine workshop where the loop is 'closed', as we make a 'connection' with those in need. Add to this, the networking, the great artists and other valuable sessions shared with Christian broadcasters from around the globe, and you have the makings of an exceptional conference. This is a time to learn, be encouraged and be strengthened. A time to help each other fulfil our calling in God to the best of our ability, knowing there are fellow Christian Broadcasters from whom we can draw strength out of shared experiences."

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