Joy Williams on Sexual Purity

|PIC1|What comes to mind regarding the topic of sexual purity?

There’s a root issue that needs to be dealt with before we tackle the issue of abstaining from sex before marriage. That’s an issue of knowing who you are in Christ.

As I’ve maintained my sexual purity and plan on continuing to do so, my mentor has said, “Joy, it’s more than just remaining sexually pure. It’s about maintaining your emotional purity and mental purity.” There are so many more facets to purity than just sex.

It’s important to remember that good is the robber of the best. Although you may have a really good, totally solid relationship with a guy, you should ask yourself if it’s the best and if you’re willing to wait for the best.

Do you feel whole without a relationship? If you don’t, there are more issues you need to tackle with the Lord. You need to search deeper and find who you are in Christ and what the Word says about your identity.

This article appeared in Brio magazine. Copyright © 2003 Focus on the Family.

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