Salvation Army Commissions Thirty New Officers to 'tell the Good News'

Thirty new Salvation Army officers (ministers) were commissioned in a service at packed Methodist Central Hall over the weekend.

The historic venue in the heart of London acknowledged and celebrated God's calling and ordination of the 30 members of the 'Heralds Of The Good News' Session, who have been in training at The Salvation Army's William Booth College for the last two years.

The Saturday afternoon congregation were welcomed in Portuguese and English - recognising that the session included cadets from Portugal as well as the UK.

In the Scripture message Commissioner Betty Matear, President of Women's Ministries for The Salvation Army in UK and Ireland, said: "This is not just a day for the cadets - it is our day too. The church universal celebrates because people are being appointed to serve and tell the good news."

The commissioner also noted: "There is no future for demotivated, disobedient disciples. Here, today, we witness the vanguard of confident, motivated Salvationism - ready to make a difference in society."

The leader of The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland, Territorial Commander Commissioner John Matear, charged the cadets: "You are called by name into covenant relationship with him. This is now your lifetime calling. We are not called to preach at people - rather we relate with them, share our common needs and seek common ground."

He went on to say: "Your ministry is not firstly to change The Salvation Army but to strengthen its message, ministry and mission. You will do this only by staying close to God in his grace."

Each member of the Heralds Of The Good News Session was called forward to stand before the Territorial Commander. To each he said: "Accepting your promises and recognising that God has called, ordained and empowered you to be a minister of Christ and his gospel, I commission you an officer of The Salvation Army."

Moments of prayer followed before a ripple of clapping turned into a flood of loud applause as the congregation rose to greet the new captains. Families and friends encircled the captains in prayer as Reading Central Salvation Army Band played Consecration Hymn. The Officer Commanding Portugal, Major Alberto Serum, pronounced the benediction.

The evening meeting which followed was full of praise, celebration and challenge. Four of the new captains shared their testimonies during the day - Carol Skene, Kevin Stanbury, Rose Adams and Luis Viriato all spoke about the reality of God's call and their determination to preach the word and live the life.

Commissioner John Matear's preached from Matthew's gospel: 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light' (Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version).

Commissioner Matear invited everyone to share their burdens with Jesus but also noted that Christians were required to share the burdens of others.

He concluded by calling people to shoulder the burdens of ministry and do the work of the Lord.

The territorial commander then invited people to respond by coming forward to pray. Many, many responded - in such numbers that chairs had to be hastily rearranged as people responded to God's call on their life.

The newly-commissioned officers take up posts in locations around the British Isles and Portugal within the next month.

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of The Salvation Army]

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