Youthwork the Conference 2006 Offering Discounts Now

|PIC1|The online booking for Youthwork the Conference 2006 has opened and is offering some great discounts on weekend registrations for a limited time.

Early bookings made before midnight on Friday 30 June will receive £10 off the normal price. That is in addition to the online booking discount of £5 per delegate. In other words, booking online during the discount period, delegates can save a total of £15 off the full weekend rate of £85, paying only £70!

The early registration discounts also apply to any delegates wishing to add the Early Day for Full-timers to their Full Weekend booking. However, early registration and online booking discounts do not apply to Day Delegate rates.

Last year, around 1,700 youth leaders from across the UK attended Youthwork the Conference, held over two weekends at two venues. This year the conference will be returning to both locations again offering delegates the choice of Southport (10-12 November 2006) or Eastbourne (17-19 November 2006). Taking the theme 'Infinite Possibilities - reimagining mission to the digital generation', speakers lined up so far include Andy Hickford, Russell Rook, Pete Greig, Gavin Calver, Katei Kirby and Jill Rowe. Worship in the Main Sessions will be led by Gareth Robinson and Andy Flannagan.

Source: Youthwork

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