Methodist Youth Conference Calls for Prayer of Revival

|TOP|The Methodist Conference received the annual report from the Methodist Youth Conference (MYC) recently, with issues covering asylum, revival and inter-faith relations.

In the report are details of all the resolutions passed by the Youth Conference, along with recommendations to the wider Church.

The report urges the Church to explore with the youth, the wide cultural, social and economic factors contributing to racist violence.

Christians are also encouraged by the report to consider the issue of asylum with a spirit of openness, in which they can share their experiences both within and outside of the Church.

The Youth Conference also expressed its concern over the hostile and inaccurate interpretations on other faiths, which cause them to be portrayed in an extremist light. They have suggested that the Church participates in a month of prayer in February 2007, for improved relations between the different faiths.

The Methodist Conference received the report enthusiastically and resolved to follow the recommendation to have the month of prayer. In addition to this, resources will be produced to help local churches and young people engage with people of other faiths and to reflect on these issues.

The Methodist Youth Conference is an event in which young Methodists gather from all over the UK. Once there, it is a place in which they can celebrate, debate and discuss those issues that matter to them, concerning both the Church and the wider world.

One representative to the Conference said: “I learnt my opinion counts and can make a difference within the Methodist Church”.

The report allows the MYC the opportunity to make its voice heard and its influence felt in the Methodist Conference itself.

In the past, the MYC has been responsible for initiating such movements as Pray Without Ceasing, which is a year of continuous prayer and reflection for the Church, due to end in September.

|AD|The President of the MYC, Kevin Jones said: “We want young Methodists to see that they can make a real difference to the life of their Church and it’s great that Conference is taking us seriously.

Pray Without Ceasing has been an awesome success and now we’re calling on the Church to become more passionate about revival. Conference has accepted our resolutions, but now its time for Methodists of all ages to put them into practice locally.”

The Methodist Conference has resolved to include in its services, prayers for revival and also a special prayer by the MYC that will feature in this year’s Prayer Handbook.

The report also included issues such as Christian unity and creating a vision for the future of the Church and also continued support for the aims of the Make Poverty History campaign last year.

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