New Salvation Army Commissioners Chosen for U.K. and R.O.I.

Following the appointment of Shaw Clifton as General of the Salvation Army internationally, new officers have been chosen to take General Clifton’s old position of Territorial Commander of the United Kingdom Territory.

|TOP|Colonels John and Elizabeth Matear, who like General Clifton are officers from the United Kingdom, have been promoted to the Salvation Army rank of commissioner.

The promotions came into effect on 1st and 2nd of February: the 1st for Colonel John Matear, and the 2nd for Colonel Elizabeth Matear.

Together they will assume the role of territorial leaders of the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland on 2nd April 2006.

Commissioner John Matear will be the Territorial Commander, while Commissioner Elizabeth Matear will become Territorial President of Women’s Ministries.

|AD|Previously the roles were held by the recently elected General (then Commissioner) Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton

The new Commissioners are currently the leaders of the Caribbean Territory of the Salvation Army, which includes Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, French Guiana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Maarten, St Vincent, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago.

The Salvation Army’s newly elected International leader, Commissioner Shaw Clifton humbly stated that he is “unworthy” for his new position, but simultaneously expressed his excitement and hopes for this new journey with God.

"I come to it very aware of my frailties, but equally aware of God’s rich grace. The scripture promised that when I am weak, then He is strong,” he shared.

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